Integrate ChatGPT using flow #inSalesforce

Integrate ChatGPT using flow #inSalesforce

1.New External Credential

OpenAI External Credential

Custom Auth Protocol

2.After logging in to OpenAI, click to view API keys and create a new secret key.

3. Copy the API Key you created, create custom header credential named Authorization, Value paste the API Key, Sequence - 1

4. Create Principal related to External Credential

ChatGPT 1 Named Principal - Identity Type

5.Create a new named credential and choose the external service 

Open AI, URL:

Enabled for callouts

Open AI External Cred - Ext Cred.

Generate Auth Header - Checked

6. Create a new permission set ChatGPT

and select the OpenAI_External_Credential - ChatGPT... in the External Cred.

7.Create a screen flow and add action element and click Create HTTP Callout

Name it: ChatGPTService Named Cred. OpenAI

8. Configure Invocable Action:

ChatGPTAction, POST

9. Provide the sample Request-Response


  "model": "text-davinci-003",

  "prompt": "What is the capital city of France?",

  "temperature": 0.7,

  "max_tokens": 250



    "warning": "Warning message.",

    "id": "cmpl-7z1DK3tYzc1kLDJ8eAEuGmMTe1amU",

    "object": "text_completion",

    "created": 1694777030,

    "model": "text-davinci-003",

    "choices": [


            "text": "\n\nParis.",

            "index": 0,

            "logprobs": null,

            "finish_reason": "stop"



    "usage": {

        "prompt_tokens": 8,

        "completion_tokens": 4,

        "total_tokens": 12



10. Create a screen flow to integrate ChatGPT with salesforcee

Add Screen with text input : Question Screen : Question

Create a new Apex-defined variable:


Apex defined, Apex Class: External Service_Chat....

Assign values to the Apex-defined variable: Assign Request Body

RequestBody_chatGPT>max,, equals 250

RequestBody_ChatGPT>model equals text-davinci-003

RequestBody_ChatGPT>temperature equals 0.7

RequestBody_ChatGPT>prompt equals Question(from Screen)

Action: CallChatGPT

Choose the Invocable action you created, choose apex defined variable that you assigned as request body

CallChatGPT, CharGPTService - External Service, POST...

Set Request Body: requestBody_ChatGPT

Assignment:Response Assignment


Apex Defined, Service_ChatGPTService_CallChatGPT_OUT_2XX_choices, Allow multiple

ChoicesOutput equals Outputs from CallChatGPT>2XX>C...



Create Apex defined variable

Apex Defined, Class: Service_ChatGPTService_CallChatGPT_OUT...

Choice - create variable - Apex Defined - ExternalService.. CallChatGPT>2XX>C..

Assignment: Choice Assignment

Choice equals current Item from Loop..


ChatGPT Answer


Other Example: The above way, it will help users solve cases. Build a record-triggered flow to automate the process as well

