Have Link(s) displayed as Button(s) using Screen Flow #inSalesforce

Have Link(s) displayed as Button(s) using Screen Flow #inSalesforce

Prerequisite: Custom Label: url: store the salesforce url till force.com/

In screen flow, 

Suppose enter case details, subject and description

Create Element: To create Case

variable: caseId

Create link text template: RecordLink

{!$Label.url}{!caseId} (as plain text)

create resource-

text template, theRecordLink

<a href="{!RecordLink}" target="_self">View Record</a>

To display the same as button:

<a class="slds-button slds-button_brand" href="{!RecordLink}" target="_self">View Record</a> (as plain text)

In the display text of a new screen add the above text template theRecordLink to test this as in visual

Create similar multiple buttons for multiple uses. 

                                   Visual: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tYIQGvcIarY
