In Screen flow, create a record link so that on click of the record name you divert to the record #inSalesforce

In Screen flow, create a record link so that on click of the record name you divert to the record #inSalesforce

Create a screenflow

SCREEN: General Info

text - firstname

text - lastname

Save the screen


Create Contact

One, Use separate..

Object: Contact

first name - screen first name

last name - screen last name

Manually assign variables - since you want to store the id of the newly created record

create variable(text) contactId (when record created, contact id will get store in this variable)


Display the new record

display text - New Record Link is new resource(formula)(text) LEFT({$Api.Enterprise_Server_URL_510},FIND('/services',{!$Api.Enterprise_Server_URL_510}))&{!contactId} 

Type the record name and click link and paste the above link

Save the flow, debug, and test
