HTTP Callout Patch Method in Flow #inSalesforce

HTTP Callout Patch Method in Flow #inSalesforce

To partially update data

Create a screen flow

Append the following to the mentioned flow:

Add screen:

drag drop display text - PutResponse - Display the output as HttpPut Action Element.Name

Add checkbox - UpdateTheName

Text - Enter the new Name, Visibility - UpdateTheName equals True

Save the screen (Put Method Output)


Check if UpdateTheName Checked

Yes: UpdateTheName equals True

No : End


Action: CreateHttpCallout


Named Cred: The same one you created


Label: Patch Invocable Action

Method: PATCH

URL: /objects/{postId}

datatype: String, Give the sample request response review | done

Action Details:

Patch Action Element

Value: Http Post Action Element.Id

Body Value: Create a Apex defined variable - PatchRequestBody


PatchRequestBody.Name equals Enter the new Name

Screen Element:

Display Test - Updated Name: Patch Action Element.Name

Save and Debug
