Create an Email Signature along with Links and Images/Logo #inSalesforce

Create an Email Signature along with Links and Images/Logo #inSalesforce

Settings | My Email Settings | Add the signature


Use like the following to add an image which is saved in files (public) as shown in video

<img src="image link" width= "10" height= "10"/>

To add links, use like:

Mail: <a href="">The Salesforce Tutorial</a>

Link: <a href="">The Salesforce Tutorial</a>

Channel: <a href="">The Salesforce Tutorial</a>

It will look like:

Thanks and Regards,

John Smith

Salesforce Senior Consultant

Mail: <a href="">The Salesforce Tutorial</a>

Link: <a href="">The Salesforce Tutorial</a>

Channel: <a href="">The Salesforce Tutorial</a>

<img src="" width= "150" height= "70"/>

