Survey Basics - Create, View, Send and Analyze #inSalesforce

Surveys #inSalesforce

Create surveys and send them to participants. When enabled, email templates and sample surveys are added to your org.

Setup | Survey Settings | Switch On 

Applauncher | Surveys | New | SampleSurvey | Continue | 

Welcome Page - As per need (Brand as per need, auto progress checked as per need)

Add Page:

Add Question - As per need like:

Please share the link to the video you watched.

How likely are you to recommend my channel to your friends and relatives?

Add New Page as per need like: Your Rating and Feedback Page

Add Branching as per need like

Based on condition: Improvements...

Arrange pages as needed

Thank You Page as per need

Save the survey

For any edits, create a new version (or create copy just like in Flows) and proceed

Save and Activate

Send or Generate Link and Send Email etc. (you can choose the link's expiry date). Select Analyze to view the responses for the Survey

