Display the Related Records as HTML using Flow #inSalesforce

Display the Related Records as HTML using Flow #inSalesforce

Suppose create a list of Contacts under an Account

Create a field on Account object - rich text field Contact List (131072)

Create a flow 

Auto-launched flow -

Create resource - variable - recordId, datatype - text, available for input


getContacts (to create list)

Contact object, criteria : AccountId equals recordId,

All Rceords, All Fields


go through each Contacts Indivisually


Collection Variable :getContacts


Add HTML Row to Table

Create resource - variable - contactTable, text, default -

<table><tr><th>FirstName</th><th>LastName</th></tr> ~ first line of table

Operator: Add

Create resource - text template - tableRow, 


finally, Assignment:


ContactTable Add </table>


Update Account

Account Object, Criteria: Id equals recordId

Contact_List__c(custom field on Account) equals ContactTable

Connect well, Save, Debug and Activate

Insert the above in Email Template or wherever you want to be displayed like lightning page:

Create new - Fill up the necessary details, In HTML Section - Merge Field Contact_List__c and Save

Test Creating an Email and inserting the template

The above can be triggered from Screen flow, Record Triggered flow, Scheduled Flow, Button

                               Visual: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dkvU992334I
