Create a ScreenFlow to ask queries, and based on the entries create a note and relate it to the record #inSalesforce

Create a ScreenFlow to ask queries, and based on the entries create a note and relate it to the record #inSalesforce

Note: Suppose you want to capture some data but you do not want to dedicate custom fields for that, go for notes.

Note can be related to multiple object records

Create a screen flow. 

Create a new resource, recordId, text, i/p checked

Add screen:

Queries -

Long Text Area - Mention the issue.

and add more as needed


Create Note-

One, Use separate..

Note object

Title - Sample Note

Content - Text Template - Note Template - select the screen component value

Create: Relate Note to Account

Create ContentDocumentLink record

One, Use separate..

ContentDocumentId equals createNote (Create Step)

LinkedEntityId equals record.Id

Save, Debug and Activate

Test it - You will see that the answer you gave is added as a note to the Account record

Try embedding this in record page

Edit lightning page, drag drop the flow component and select the above flow. From here you can enter the details and the same will be added as a note to the record

