On Child field update, update the Parent field using flow #inSalesforce

On Child field update, update the Parent field using flow #inSalesforce

If sampleDate1__c field of Candidate is changed, the related account theDateField__c will get populated with sampleDate1__c field

Create Record Triggered Flow

On update and after

Object - Candidate

DECISION ELEMENT: record.sampleDate1__c ischanged true


Object - Account

criteria: Id equals record.Account__c

Set: theDateField__c equals sampleDate1__c

FAULT Path: when criteria dont satidfy : Send Error Email - Error - Subject, Body - erroremail, emailaddr

connect,  add fault path as per need and Save and Activate

                                    Visual: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hDcUmYhr7Qs
