Create a flow to send mass emails (5 max.) #inSalesforce

Create a flow to send mass emails (5 max.) #inSalesforce


-Create a variable recordId (This is record id from where user clicks the button)

Datatype - Text 

Make sure - Available for input and output are checked

-Create a variable emailList (The email address of all contacts in the account to send emails)

Make sure Allow multiple records is checked

Datatype - Text

Make sure - Available for input and output are checked

-Add a screen 

Name it may be "Send Mass Email"

Add Text for Subject 

Add Long Text area for Body

-Add a Get Record Element

Get records of the contacts of the account

Select object as contact

Filter - AccountId equal recordId

Make sure the following are checked-

All records

Automatically store all records

-After get records element, add a loop, name it "loop contact" contacts from getContacts(get record element)

-Then add Assignment - for each assign, add to email list emailList (multivariable you created before), Operator Add - the current item from loop email

-After screen element, add action - send email

-Action - send email

contact email from the user

body from the screen component

email address - use collection variable emailList

sender address - user email (current user email)

-Save, Debug, and Activate

-Then add this as a component quick action or as a flow component, Make sure that the record id is set as shown in the video (you should pass the record id)

Visual :
