emptyRecycleBin() method #inSalesforce
This is to delete records from the recycle bin immediately.
Syntax: EmptyRecycleBinResult[] = connection.emptyRecycleBin(ID[] ids);
where ids is an array of one or more IDs associated with the records to delete from the Recycle Bin. The maximum number of records is 200.
Note: The Recycle Bin lets you view and restore recently deleted records for 15 days before they are permanently deleted.
Similarly, try:
Database.emptyRecylebin(List<Id> ids)
Database.emptyRecylebin(sObject sObj)
Database.emptyRecylebin(List<sObject> sObjList)
Database.emptyRecylebin(sObject sObj)
Database.emptyRecylebin(List<sObject> sObjList)
Account acc = new Account(Id='0015g00000mNBXlAAO');
Use: DataBase.queryAll() to access the deleted records for a certain time.
Reference: https://developer.salesforce.com/docs/atlas.en-us.api.meta/api/sforce_api_calls_emptyrecyclebin.htm
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