CONTAINS in formula #inSalesforce

CONTAINS in formula #inSalesforce

This function compares 2 text strings and is commonly used in validation and workflow rules to search for a character or string in a text field. 

Used for:

1. Search for text.

2. Check if an unknown string or character matches a defined set of strings or characters.

Example 1:

CONTAINS(Description,"someSampleBadWord") - Returns TRUE if "someSampleBadWord" is found anywhere in Description.

Example 2:

Search for unknown string or characters.

CONTAINS("0123456789", theField__c) -This will return true for theField__c values such as 1,2,9,01,789, or any other substring of "0123456789"


This function considers BLANK value as true so include NOT(ISBLANK() along with CONTAINS to meet requirements. If using NOT on CONTAINS, it does not recognize BLANK values.

