Create a Project via Command Palette vs Terminal in visual studio #inSalesforce

Create a Project via Command Palette in visual studio #inSalesforce

  • Open Visual Studio and wait some time for the extensions to get loaded
  • Press Ctrl+Shift+P for the command palette to open
  • Start typing SFDX, select SFDX:Create Project
  • Enter the Project Name
  • Press Enter again and select the folder to store the project
  • Click Create Project


Create a Project via Terminal in visual studio #inSalesforce

  • Open Visual Studio and wait some time for the extensions to get loaded
  • In Terminal Tab, type sfdx force:project:create --projectname <nameOfTheProject> and press Enter. 
  • You can check that the folder has been created. You can open this newly created project by clicking on Open folder and selecting the folder from the path where you created
