This is to collect data from customers, employees, or other people whose feedback you need.
Prerequisite: Set up | search for Survey under Survey Setting | Enable it. Make sure Survey tab visible for System Admin profile who is trying to set up Survey.
When you enable Surveys, the Customer Satisfaction and Net Promoter Score sample surveys are added to your Salesforce org. These surveys help you understand how to create a survey for your org. To reuse these surveys for your org, you can create a copy.
You can select the default community for creating public survey invitation (This is to create surveys that are available to Experience Cloud site users and external unauthenticated users, select a community.) and Enable Survey owner can manage responses as per need. (This is to allow survey owners manage and export survey responses)
Additionally, to track surveys that are sent across customers' lifecycle, enable Customer Lifecycle Maps.( available only with the Feedback Management - Growth license.)
- Go to App Launcher | start typing Survey | select Surveys. | Click New. | Enter a name for the survey.(may be sampleSurvey)|
- To use the survey as a template, select Create survey as a template.
- Survey templates are automatically shared with Read access for all users in your Salesforce org.
- Edit the survey’s Welcome page as per need.
- If you want the survey to open on a question page, disable the Welcome page by clicking Button to disable the welcome page.
- To add a question page, in the sidebar, click Add Page.
- To add a question to the page, click Add Question.
- To reorder questions on a survey page, click reorder (arrow up and down) questions above the rich text editor of the questions.
- To change the question’s properties, click gear icon (gear icon with a dropdown arrow.)
- Edit the survey’s Thank You page as per need.
- To pause working on the survey and continue working on it later, click Save.
- To see how the survey looks while you're working on it, click Preview.
- To finish the survey so that you can send it, click Activate.
Sample for demo:
1. What is your gender?
2. What is your age?
15 to 17
18 to 20
21 to 24
25 to 30
31 to 35
36 to 44
45 or older
3. What is the highest level of education you have completed?
4. How often do you watch YouTube videos?
Several times a day
Once or twice a day
Every other day or so
A few times a week
5. What do you primarily watch on YouTube?
Tutorials/Educational videos
Music playlists/videos
Comedy (shorts, skits, standup)
Branded Content (NBC, Buzzfeed, Hulu, etc.)
Re-runs of TV shows
Original films/animation
Other (please specify)
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