Data Import Wizard
This makes it easy to import data for many standard Salesforce objects, including accounts, contacts, leads, solutions, campaign members, and person accounts.
You can also import data for custom objects.
Consideration: You can import up to 50,000 records at a time.
Please note, always test a small file first to make sure that you prepared your source data correctly and always test first in sandbox before attempting in Production org. Additionally, make sure that all the required fields values added in the import file.
Import Data with the Data Import Wizard
- Prepare the data for import
- Use Data Import Wizard to map the data fields
- Execute the import.
Prepare the data for import:
- Prepare your data for import and create an import file.
- This is to prevents errors, duplication of data, and frustration.
Steps to follow after preparing your data:
-Setup | Data Import Wizard | click Launch Wizard.
-Choose the data that you want to import.
-To import accounts, contacts, leads, solutions, person accounts, or articles, click Standard Objects. To import custom objects, click Custom Objects, you have to specify whether you want to add new records to Salesforce, update existing records, or add and update records simultaneously.
Note: If you have related workflows that add new objects when importing, selecting add new and update existing records fires them, but selecting update existing records doesn't.
-Specify matching and other criteria as necessary.
-Specify whether to trigger workflow rules and processes when the imported records meet the criteria.
-Specify the file that contains your data.
-Specify your data file by dragging the CSV file to the upload area of the page. You can also click the CSV category you’re using and then navigate to the file.
-Select comma or tab as a value separator.
-Click Next.
Use Data Import Wizard to map the data fields
-The Data Import wizard maps as many of your data fields as possible to standard Salesforce data fields. But if the wizard can’t map fields may be because of mismatch or ambigious names, you must do it manually. Unmapped fields are not imported into Salesforce.
-Scan the list of mapped data fields and locate the unmapped fields.
-Click Map to the left of each unmapped field.
-In the Map Your Field dialog box, search and choose up to 10 Salesforce fields to map to and click Map
-To change mappings that Salesforce performed automatically, click Change to the left of the appropriate field. Delete the Salesforce fields you don’t want to map, choose the fields you want to map, then click Map.
-Click Next.
Execute the import:
-Review and start your import:
-Review your import information on the Review page. If you still have unmapped fields that you want to import, click Previous to return to the previous page and specify your mappings | Click Start Import.
Please note, to check import status -
Setup | Bulk Data Load Jobs | select Bulk Data Load Jobs.
Recent Import Jobs chart on the Data Import Wizard home page
Example1: Simple Contact(s) Import making sure that the required field(here LastName and Email Id) value has been provided in the .csv file for all the records
Visual (Example1) -
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