Comparison Operators (SOQL) #inSalesforce

Comparison operators return true or false in SOQL.

SOQL queries can include comparison operators like =, <, >, IN, and LIKE in the field expression of a WHERE clause, which you use in a SELECT statement.

1. = Equals

Expression is true if the value in the fieldName equals the value in the expression


SELECT Name FROM Opportunity WHERE StageName = 'Closed Won'

2. != Not equals

Expression is true if the value in the fieldName doesn’t equal the specified value.


SELECT Name FROM Opportunity WHERE StageName != 'Closed Won'

3. < Less than

Expression is true if the value in the fieldName is less than the specified value.


SELECT Name FROM Opportunity where Amount < 100


<= Less or equal - Expression is true if the value in the fieldName is less than, or equals, the specified value.


SELECT Name FROM Opportunity where Amount <= 100

> Greater than - Expression is true if the value in the fieldName is greater than the specified value.


SELECT Name FROM Opportunity where Amount > 100

>= Greater or equal - Expression is true if the value in the fieldName is greater than or equal to the specified value.


SELECT Name FROM Opportunity where Amount >= 100

4. LIKE - Expression is true if the value in the fieldName matches the characters of the text string in the specified value.


SELECT AccountId, FirstName, lastname

FROM Contact

WHERE lastname LIKE 'test%'

5. IN - If the value equals any one of the values in a WHERE clause.


SELECT Name FROM Account

WHERE BillingState IN ('California', 'New York')

6. NOT IN - If the value doesn’t equal any of the values in a WHERE clause.


SELECT Name FROM Account

WHERE BillingState NOT IN ('California', 'New York')

7. INCLUDES and EXCLUDES - This applies only to multi-select picklists.

SELECT Id, Name FROM Candidate__c WHERE Skills__c INCLUDES ('salesforce')

SELECT Id, Name FROM Candidate__c WHERE Skills__c EXCLUDES ('salesforce')


