This automates how records are approved in your org.
It consists of :
The steps necessary for a record to be approved and who approves it at each step.
The actions to take based on what happens during the approval process.
Example 1 with demo:
A manager approves opportunities that are discounted more than 40%. The opportunity should reflect its approval status: Approved or Not Approved.
Start with creation of Email Template to be shared:
Create an Email Template:
Setup | Classic Email Templates.
Click New Template |
Select Text as the template type, and click Next |
Configure the email template :
Field Value
Folder Unfiled Public Classic Email Templates
Available for Use Selected
Email Template Name Approve Opportunity Discount
Encoding General US & Western Europe
Subject Please approve this discounted opportunity
Email Body {!User.Manager}, The {!Opportunity.Name} has been discounted. Please approve this discount. Thank you.
Including the merge field {!Opportunity.Name} helps the approver by providing a link to the opportunity record. This allows them to review the record before responding to the request.
Click Save.
Create Custom Field:
Setup | select Object Manager |
Click Opportunity |
Select Fields & Relationships and click New |
In the Data Type column, select Percent and then click Next |
Add a Percent field with these values:
Field Value
Field Label Discount Percent
Length Leave default
Decimal Places Leave default
Required Selected
Click Next.
Click Next.
Click Save & New.
In the Data Type column, select Picklist and then click Next.
Add a Picklist field with these values:
Field Value
Field Label Discount Percent Status
Values Enter values, with each separated by a new line
Picklist Values Approved Not Approved
Click Next.
Click Next.
Click Save.
Create an Approval Process:
Setup | Approval Processes.
In Manage Approval Processes For, select Opportunity.
Click Create New Approval Process | Use Jump Start Wizard. The Jump Start Wizard helps you create a simple approval process by making some decisions for you.
Configure the approval process:
Field Value
Name Approve Opportunity Discount
Approval Assignment Email Template Approve Opportunity Discount
Specify Entry Criteria Opportunity: Discount Percent greater than 0.4
Select Approver Let the submitter choose the approver manually
Save the approval process.
Click View Approval Process Detail Page.
Under Final Approval Actions, click Add New | Field Update, and configure it with these values:
Field Value
Name Approved
Field to Update Discount Percent Status
A Specific value Approved
Click Save.
Under Final Rejection Actions, click Add New | Field Update, and configure it with these values:
Field Value
Name Not Approved
Field to Update Discount Percent Status
A Specific value Not Approved
Click Save.
Activate the approval process.
When users click Submit for Approval on an opportunity, it goes through your approval process. Do you want to automate it ? Use flow
Enter Flow Builder. One of the available actions in the Action element is Submit for Approval, which means you can build a flow that automatically submits a record for approval. And that means your users don’t have to remember to submit opportunities for approval. For example, in a flow that runs when an opportunity is created or edited. Add a Decision element that checks whether Discount Percent is greater than 0.4. Add an Action element, set to Submit for Approval, that submits the opportunity for approval. Details in - Coming soon...
Example 2:
A user submits a request for a new position in a company.
When a user first requests approval for a new position, initial submission actions occur. The default initial submission action locks the record. This action ensures that other users (except for approvers and admins) can’t change the record while it's pending approval. Other possible submission actions include sending an email alert, updating a field on a record, creating a task, and sending an outbound message.
Approval steps assign approval requests to various users and define the chain of approval for a particular approval process. In this example, the first step assigns the approval request to the submitter's direct manager.
If the direct manager rejects the request, the final rejection actions are executed, setting the position’s approval status to Rejected.
If the direct manager approves the request, the record moves to the next step—approval from the CEO. If the CEO rejects the position, the same final rejection actions occur.
If the CEO approves the position, final approval actions are executed. They set the approval status to Approved, unlock the record for future updates, and notify the employee who requested the new position.
Final approval actions occur only when a record is approved and there are no further approval steps.
You can also help your users view open approval requests by adding the Items to Approve component to their Home page. Also, let users respond to approval requests directly from email or Chatter.
Above Example or Demo from Trailhead Module -
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