Activations #inSalesforce

Here you will get to see:

  1. Login IP : The list below shows login IP addresses of the browser or application that the user used to log in.
  2. Activated Client Browsers : The list below shows activated browser agent information stored when a user verifies identity during login.
About it:

  • These tracks information about devices from which users have verified their identity.
  • Salesforce prompts users to verify their identity when they access Salesforce from an unrecognized browser or application.
  • Apart from being able to view your users’ activations, you can even use activations to revoke activation status to prevent security breaches.
  • You can revoke activation status by selecting one or more entries in the Activated Client Browser list, clicking Remove, and confirming the action.
  • If a user deselects the Don’t ask again option during the login process (that appears on the identity verification page), the browser isn’t activated. Train your users to deselect this option whenever they log in from a public or shared device.


Setup | Activations

