Translation Workbench #inSalesforce

This is to maintain translated values for metadata and data labels in your Salesforce org. 

Specify languages for translation and assign translators (responsible for the language) for each language. 

Translation Language Settings

The translation workbench allows you to create translations for the customizations you’ve made to your organization. 

Many things like custom pick list values, custom fields etc. can be translated so your global users can use all of in their language without any trouble.


If you want to use the translation workbench, you need to enable it. Enabling the workbench makes some changes to your organization:

  • Picklist values must be edited individually. This means you can’t mass edit picklist values, though you can still mass add new values.
  • When picklist values are sorted alphabetically, the values are alphabetical by the organization's default language.
  • Reports have a language dropdown on the filter criteria page when any filter criteria uses the "starts with", "contains" or "does not contain" operators.
  • Import files have a language dropdown and all records and values within the import file must be in that language.
  • Web-to-Lead and Web-to-Case have a language dropdown before you generate the HTML.
  • All rules and setup data must be entered in the organization's default language - Global administrators must work together in the organization's default language.

If you’d like to proceed with using the workbench, click Enable. If you need to turn the workbench off, click Disable on the translation language settings page.


Setup | start typing Translation in the quick find box | Select Translate Language Settings | Enable

Click Add to select the languages your organization supports and the users who are responsible for translating that language.

Choose the language you wish to add. Add translators for this language to the Selected List box and click Save. After translators have entered all translated values, check Active to make these translations available to your users.


To get started in the Translation Workbench:

Select a language (if you’re a translator for more than one language - depends on the authority you provided to the translator).

Select a setup component |  If necessary, select an object and aspect. For example, a workflow task has an object (Account, Contact, etc.) and aspect (Subject or Comment) to filter for translatable terms. | Double click in the translation column to enter new values. | You can tab to jump to the next row. | Select the filter criteria | Make the necessary changes | Save.

Now, user with language set to Japanese view the field it will show the translated text.


Setup | start typing Translation in the quick find box | Select Translate Language Settings


You can export three kinds of text

Source - Produces one file that contains all of the text that is translatable

Outdated and untranslated - Produces a set of files, by language, with text changed after the last translation and text that is not yet translated

Bilingual - Produces a set of files by language that contain all of the text that is translatable

Salesforce translation files are exported in the UTF-8 encoding to support extended and double-byte characters. This encoding cannot be changed.


Importing is designed to accept the files produced from the Export process. 


  • Step 1. Prepare the translated Tab Separated File
  • Step 2. Zip your files (Optional)
  • Step 3. Select and upload your file(s)
  • Step 4. Import your files


To get started in the translation workbench

If you have items to override in more than one language, select a language.

Select a setup component.

If necessary, select an object and aspect. For example, a workflow task has an object (Account, Contact, etc.) and aspect (Subject or Comment) to filter for overridable terms.

Double click in the override column to enter new values. You can tab to jump to the next row.


