Approval Process using Chatter

Approval Process using Chatter


1. Enable Chatter Feed -

Setup | Customize | Chatter | Feed Tracking |Choose your object | Enable Feed Tracking.

2. Enable Allow Approvals in Chatter -

Setup | Customize | Chatter | Settings | Edit| Enable Allow Approvals

3. Approval Post Template -


Setup | Create | Workflow and Approvals | Post Template |Click on New Template and select the object for the post template created | Next | Give a name to the post template | Move the fields to Selected Fields column as per need (Make default based on need) | Enable Default Check box, if you want to use the post template by default.

4. Add the template in Approval Process:

Create a new Approval process (select object) | Entry criteria | Next | Choose the Template(created above) | Next | Activate

5. Test this-

Create a record which meets the criteria and click submit for Approval | Notification is seen in the Chatter to the User(Approver) for Approval
