Creating Macro
1. In lightning, open a record.
2. Click on Macros in the Utility bar. Click on plus(+) to create Macro
3. Enter the Name, Description, Folder, and Select the object that the Macro applies to.
that is -
Macro Name:
Any name of your wish(meaningful name)or enter a specific name if challenge asks to do so.
Write the the purpose for this macro. This is optional.
Apply To:
This value defaults to the object you were viewing before. We can change this default to create a macro for a different object.
Folders help you organize and share macros. You can create up to four levels of folders: one root folder and up to three subfolders.
This field is visible only when Share and organize macros in folders is enabled.
4. Now click Save.
5. Add instructions for the macro.
The first instruction is automatically added based on the object you selected from the Apply To field.
a. Click Edit Instructions.
The Macro Builder page opens now. The left side of the page a canvas is displayed with a sample record page for the object you selected
a. The right side of the page includes an Instructions tab and Details tab for your macro
b. On the canvas, select a quick action.
Selectable items are highlighted on the canvas.
that is on a case record, click Log A Call in the publisher.
c. On the canvas, click a field to add instructions. In the Instructions tab, enter the field updates.
Continue to add instructions as necessary.
d. Optionally, on the canvas, select a submit action to tell the macro to execute these instructions.
that is - to have your macro submit your Log a Call comments, click Save in the publisher.
e. Optionally, if your macro is for records in console apps only, you can add an instruction to close the record tab when the macro completes.
To add the close tab instruction, click the dropdown menu next to Add Instruction, then select Add Close Tab Instruction.
6. When you have completed the macro, click Save. To return to the app, close the Macro Builder tab.
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