Separate strings in a Text field using Apex:
Suppose there is an array of Items: a1, a2, a3, and so on
Use a formula to split out the individual item's into separate fields like:
- field1 will show the first item in the array (a1)
- field2 will show the second item in the array (a2)
- field3 will show the third item in the array (a3)
- and so on
List<String> items = o.ProductList__c.split(',');
List<String> fNames = new List<String> { 'a1__c', 'a2__c', so on };
for (Integer i = 0; i < items.size() && i < fNames.size(); i++) {
o.put(fNames[i], items[i]);
Another Example:
Field1 : q:1234
Field2 : z: 2347
Lets separate separate the test based on ':'
RIGHT(Field_Name__c,(LEN(Field_Name__c)-FIND(":", Field_Name__c)))
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