What’s the difference between __c and __r ?
'__c' is used for Custom Objects.
For example: CustomObject__c
It is used to reference custom object in Apex, formula field etc.
'__r' is for Custom Objects Reference
For example: CustomObject__r
It is used to reference custom object relationship name in Apex,formula field etc.
Some details -
'__r' represents custom relationship.
There are two uses for __r.
We use it when we query a custom relationship from child to parent, or from parent to child.For example, if we have two custom objects, called Quote__c and QuoteLine__c, where the QuoteLine has a field that references a Quote as its parent then we can query from child to parent, or parent to child.
The child to parent relationship query -
SELECT Id, Quote__c, Quote__r.Number FROM QuoteLine__c
The parent to child relationship query -
SELECT Id, Name, (SELECT Id, Name FROM QuoteLine__r) FROM Quote__c
To access parent and child records in Apex Code, we will use the same syntax-
QuoteLine__c child = [select id,a__c,b__c .. from QuoteLine__c where ..<filter condition>];
if(child.Quote__r.name == 'Master') {
// Some Work
Quote__c parent = [select id,a__c,b__c .... from Quote__c where ..<filter condition>];
for(QuoteLine__c child:parent.QuoteLines__r) {
// Some Work
Each of these serve a specific purpose depending on our intent.
Reference(s) -
https://developer.salesforce.com etc
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