Salesforce Common Errors



Mixed DML Operation Error -

 What's the Reason?

If we combine DML operations for both Setup ( Group, Group member, Queue SObject, User) and Non-Setup objects(Standard and Custom Objects) with in same transaction .

 What's the Resolution?

Use @future annotation to do DML operation. It will split the transactions.
Also, we can use same logic in a batch class to get rid of the issue. 

For more Info  -

Too many SOQL Queries –

What's the reason?

This appears when you exceed the Execution Governors Limit (you can run up to a total 100 SOQL queries in a single call / context). 

System.LimitException: Too many SOQL queries: 101 error

Please note:

  1. All the SOQL queries in triggers fired from one call or context will be counted against the limit of 100.
  2. Remember, Salesforce cannot disable or raise the Governors Limit.

 What's the Resolution?

 To fix this issue, you’ll need to change your code in such a way that the number of SOQL fired is less than 100. If you need to change the context, then you can use @future annotation which will run the code asynchronously.

 Best practices to avoid exceeding the Governors Limit

Apex runs on a multi-tenant platform; the Apex runtime engine strictly enforces limits to ensure code doesn't monopolize shared resources.

  1. Avoid SOQL queries that are inside FOR loops.
  2. Follow the key coding principals for Apex Code in Salesforce Developer's Guide(
  3. Verify Salesforce best practices for Trigger and Bulk requests(

       For Best practices for Triggers and Bulk requests (Refer - Apex Code Developer's Guide)

Reference(s) - 



